Medical Surgical Nursing 1 objectives questions for all GNM 2nd Year, ANM, Bsc Nursing & Others Paramedical Exams.
Medical Surgical Nursing 1 objectives questions for all GNM 2nd Year, ANM, Bsc Nursing & Others Paramedical Exams. Q. निम्नलिखित में प्रत्येक के तीन-तीन उलझाव लिखिए Write three complications of each – 1. जलने से (Burns) 1. शॉक (shock) 2. एक्यूट रीनल फेल्योर (acute renal failure) 3. संक्रमण व सेप्सिस (infection and sepsis) 2. डायबिटिस … Read more