All medical abbreviation, सभी तरह के Medical Nursing Students और अन्य Exams के लिए All Medical abbreviation

All Medical abbreviation For Medical And Nursing Students. आज आप सभी के बीच सम्पूर्ण All Medical abbreviation  A to Z का पोस्ट लेकर आया हूं जो आपके किसी भी तरह के Medical और Nursing के Exam के लिए महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभा सकता हैं।
आप किसी भी नर्सिंग परीक्षा जैसे ANM, GNM , Bsc Nursing,  Post Bsc Nursing, Post Basic Bsc Nursing और MSc Nursing और साथ ही कई तरह के Medical Exams में all medical abbreviation पूछे जा सकते हैं
ये सभी all medical abbreviation अन्य विषयों जैसे Community Health Nursing, Fundamental Of Nursing और अन्य विषयों में ये All Medical abbreviation हो सकता हैं तो यदि आपको भी ये Abbreviation पढ़ना हैं तो नीचे 250+ से ज्यादा all medical abbreviation दिया गया है आप पढ़ और देख सकते हैं। जो A to Z Alphabet में दिए गए हैं।
All medical abbreviation
AFB – Acid Fast Bacillus
AIDS – Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
ANC – Ante Natal Care
ANM – Auxillary Nurse Midwife
ANP – Applied Nutrition Programme
APH – Antepartum Haemorrhage
ARI – Acute Respiratory Infection
ATS – Anti Tetanus Serum
AHW – Auxillary Health Worker
AYUSH – Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy
AWW – Angan Wari Worker

BBT – Basal Body Temperature
BCG – Bacillus Calmette Guearine
BDO – Block Development Officer
BHC – Benzene Hexa Chloride
BHS – Basic Health Services
BMR – Basic Metabolic Rate
BMI – Body Mass Index
BP – Blood Pressure

cal – Calorie
CARE – Cooperative for American Relief Everywhere
CAT – Computer Axial Tomography
CCH – Central Council of Health
CCS – Case Control Study
CCV – Cell Culture Vaccine
CCU. – Critical Care Unit
CD – Communicable Disease
CDP – Community Development Programme
CDR – Crude Death Rate
CGHS – Central Government Health Scheme
CGC – Child Guidance Clinic
CHD – Coronary Heart Disease
CHEB – Central Health Education Bureau
CHN – Community Health Nurse
CHO – Community Health Officer
CHVW – Community Health Volunteer Worker
CHW – Community Health Worker
CPR – Couple Protection Rate
CSSM – Child Survival and Safe Motherhood

db – Decibel
Dx – Diagnosis
DDCP – Diarrhoeal Disease Control Programme
DDT – Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane
DGHS – Directorate General of Health Service
DHF – Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever
DHS – Director of Health Services
DM – Diabetes Mellitus
DMPA – Depot Medroxy Progesterone Acetate
DNA – Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
DNR – Doctor Nurse Ratio
DOT – Directly Observed Treatment
DOTSC – Directly Observed Treatment Short Course
DPHN – District Public Health Nurse
DPHNO – District Public Health Nurse Officer
DPR – Doctor Population Ratio
DPT – Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus
DR – Death Rate
DSS – Dengue Shock Syndrome
DTC – District Training Centre
DTO – District Tuberculosis Officer
DV – Defective Vision
DWL – Dug Well Latrine

EC – Eligible Couple
ECG – Electrocardiogram
ECP – Electroencephalogram
EL – Expectation of Life
EPI – Expended Programme on Immunization
ESI – Employee State Insurance

FAO – Food & Agriculture Organization
FBD – Food Borne Disease
FHA – Female Health Assistant
FHW – Female Health Worker
FLR – Female Literacy Rate
FNAC – Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology
FP – Family Planning
FPAI – Family Planning Association of India
FT – Formal Toxoid
FW – Family Welfare
FWS – Family Welfare Services

GD – Growth & Development
GFR – General Fertility Rate
GMFR – General Marital Fertility Rate
GMR – General Marriage Rate
GRR – Gross Reproduction Rate

HAF – Health Assistant Female
Hb – Hemoglobin
HFA – Health for All
HIDV – Human Immuno Deficiency Virus
HTN – Hypertension
HW – Health Worker
IBD – Insect Borne Disease
ICD- International Classification of Disease
ICDS – Integrated Children Development Scheme
ICMR – Indian Council of Medical Research
ICN – International Council of Nurse
IDD – lodine Deficiency Disorders
IDDM – Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
IG – Immuno Globulin
ICU – Intensive Care Unit
ICRC – International Committee of the Red Cross
IDC – International Death Certification
ILO – International Labour Organization
IMA – Indian Medical Association
IMNCI – Intregrated Management of Neonatal and childhood illness
IMR – Infant Mortality Rate
INC – Indian Nursing Council
IPR – Infant Parasite Rate
IPV – Inactivated Polio Vaccine
IQ – Intelligence Quotient
IRDP – Integrated Rural Development Programme
IS – Immunization Schedule
IU – International Unit
IUCD – Intra Uterine Contraceptive Device
IUD – Intra Uterine Death
IUGR- Intra Uterine Growth Retardation

JE – Japanese Encephalitis
JD – Juvenile Delinquency

KC – Kilo Calorie
KFT – Kidney Function Test
KMC – Kangaroo Mother Care
KUB – Kidney Ureter Bladder

LBW – Low Birth Weight
LE – Life Expectation
LEP – Leprosy Eradication Programme
LFT – Liver Function Test
LGVD – Lympho Granuloma Venereal Disease
LHV – Lady Heath Visitor
LR – Literacy Rate

MBD – Mosquito Borne Diseases
MO – Management by Objective
MC – Menstrual Cycle
MCH – Maternal & Child Health
MDMP – Mid Day Meal Programme
MDRB – Multi Drug Resistance Bacilli
MDSM – Mid Day School Meal
MFC – Membrane Filter Concentration
MHS – Maternal Health Services
MPW – Multipurpose Worker
MLC – Medico Legal Case
MLO – Medico Legal Officer
MMR – Maternal Mortality Rate
MNP – Minimum Need Programme
MPW – Multi Purpose Worker
MR – Mental Retardation
MT – Mantoux Test
MTP – Medical Termination of Pregnancy

NAB – National Association for the Blind
NARCO – National Aids Research & Central Organization
NEERI – National Engineering Environmental Research Institute
NFCP – National Filaria Control Programme
NHP – National Health Policy
NHS – National Health Services
NLCP – National Leprosy Control Programme
NLEP – National Leprosy Eradication Programme
NMCP – National Malaria Control Programme
NMEP – National Malaria Eradication Programme
NMHP – National Mental Health Programme
NMR – Neonatal Mortality Rate
NRHM – National Rural Health Mission
NSS – National Sample Survey
NSV – Non-Surgicall Vasectomy
NTCP – National Tuberculosis Control Programme
NTV – Nervous Tissue Vaccine
NWSP – National Water Sanitation Programme

OPV – Oral Polio Vaccine
ORS – Oral Rehydration Solution
ORT – Oral Rehydration Therapy

PCM – Protein Calorie Malnutrition
PEM – Protein Energy Malnutrition
PER – Protein Energy Ratio
PFA – Prevention of Food Adulteration
PHC – Primary Healthcare Centre
PID – Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
PMR – Prenatal Mortality Rate
PNC – Post Natal Care
PNMR – Post Natal Mortality Rate
POP – Progesterone Only Pill
PPH – Post Partum Haemorrhage
PPP – Post Partum Period
PPS – Post Partum Services
PSM – Preventive and Social Medicine
Pt – Patient

Rx – Treatment
RBR – Rural Birth Rate
RCH – Reproductive Child Health
RF – Rheumatic Fever
Rh factor – Rhesus Factor:
RHS – Rural Health Scheme
RIG – Rabies Immunoglobulin
RMP – Registered Medical Practitioner
RHSA – Rural Health and Social Affairs
SAR – Secondary Attack Rate
SA – Stand By Assistance
SAC – Sub Centre
SDR – Specific Death Rate
SFN – Small Family Norm
SFP – Supplementary Feeding Programme
SHC – Secondary Health Care
SHS – School Health Services
SNA – Student Nurse Association
SOS – Save Our Soul
SVV – Split Virus Vaccine
SRS – Sample Registration System
SSF – Slow Sand Filter
STD – Sexually Transmitted Diseases
STI – Sexually Transmitted Infection

TB – Tuberculosis
TFR – Total Fertility Rate
TIG – Tetanus Immune Globulin
TMFR – Total Marital Fertility Rate
TPP – Twenty Point Programme
TT – Tetanus Toxoid
TNAI – Trained Nurse Association of India

UCI – Universal Child Immunization
UIP – Universal Immunization Programme
UNDP – United Nations Development Programme UNFPA – United Nations Fund For Population Activities
UNICEF – United Nations International Children Emergency Fund
UNRRA – United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
USAID – United State Agency for International Development

VBT- Vector Borne Transmission
VD- Venereal Disease
VDRL – Venereal Disease Research Laboratory
VHA – Voluntary Health Association
VHAI – Voluntary Health Association of India
VHGS – Village Health Guide Scheme
VHW – Voluntary Health Worker
VVM – Vaccine Vials Material
VZIG – Varicella Zoster Immune Globulin

WBC – Well Baby Clinic/White Blood Cell
WBD – Water Borne Disease
WC – Water Closers
WER – Weekly Epidemiological Record
WFT – Weil Felix Test
WHO – World Health Organization
WHD – World Health Day
WSL – Water Seal Latrine
WWF – World Wide Fund
WED – Women Employment Day
All medical abbreviation
ऊपर दिए गए सभी Medical Nursing Abbreviations आपके लिए कितना ज्यादा महत्वपूर्ण और उपयोगी हमें जरूर बताएं और अपनी प्रतिक्रिया दें। All medical abbreviation आप सभी Medical और Nursing  सभी में पूछे जाते हैं जो ऊपर A to Z दिया गया था।

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